Jun 17Liked by Margot Saffer

When I received notification of your first substack, I literally stopped in my tracks …hiking solo allows for the luxury of setting my own pace. Reading this brought memories of you sharing this tragedy in real time. Your reflection has me in tears on top of our Table Mountain sandstone…”like bones” you described these boulders. Here we are, all at sea together.

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Thanks for being a dedicated reader- of the sky, of the bones, words, and my words.

I love that this sea story flowed to find its way to you atop a rocky, wintery Table Mountain track

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While "paradisiacal" is a real word, it really is quite a clumsy mouthful. Like trying to stuff 15 wet teabags into your cheeks, and still order a vegan frap. "Paradisical" is apparently an acceptable alternative.

Also, thanks for this article. There aren't nearly enough light hearted takes on the migrant crisis. Yours is a breath of fresh air (mind the pun).

Have you considered that in order to ensure a lasting connection to new readers, you might consider cutting down the word count? I find that punchier and less long-winded stories more easily attract the attention of those not personally acquainted with you.

In any case, enjoy the travels out there and make sure to also partake of the Kalamata olives, not just the most recent local tragedy.

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